2010.4.6 学术报告
发布时间:2010-03-25  阅读次数:2565

时间:2010年4月6日 上午10点


报告人:Dr. Jie Zhang, Dept. EIE, Poly. University of Hong Kong



From structure to dynamics and back: time series analysis and complex networks



       Structure and Dynamics are two fundamental aspects of complex systems, which are intricately interwoven to produce the most sophisticated, non-equilibrium phenomenon across various contexts. Here we attempt to unravel the relationship between Structure and Dynamics through two novel transformations. The first is to convert the fluctuation of a signal to a network, whose topology fully encodes the original dynamics. The second is a mapping from the underlying topology of the network directly to the dynamics emergent on it. This structure-to-dynamics transformation allows us to predict the behaviors of many dynamical processes on networks directly, such as coupled oscillator, ensemble neural firing, epidemic spreading, and diffusion phenomenon. It suggests that some universal principles are governing the dynamics of real-world networks, and provides new insights into the evolutionary mechanism for general networks.


About the speaker

       Dr. Zhang Jie got his Masters Degree from Shandong University in 2004, and a PhD from EIE Dept. of Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2007. He is now holding a Postdoc position of HK Polytechnic University. His research interest lies in nonlinear time series analysis and complex networks using a multi-disciplinary methodology with his publications in  Physical Review Letters, PNAS, and etc.