Columbia University Sacha Nandlall, Postdoctoral Research Scientist 学术报告
发布时间:2015-11-03  阅读次数:5146



Advanced Diagnostic and

Therapeutic Applications of

Biomedical Ultrasound





主讲:Sacha Nandlall, Postdoctoral Research Scientist,Ultrasound Elasticity Imaging Laboratory at Columbia University



       Ultrasound is ubiquitous in many areas of medicine, where it has traditionally been employed for anatomical imaging. However, recent research in biomedical acoustics has given rise to techniques that leverage the noninvasiveness, high resolution, and low cost of ultrasound in novel ways. This talk will provide an overview of biomedical acoustics, including several emerging diagnostic and therapeutic uses of ultrasound technology in medicine. Applications that will be discussed include:

l Monitoring and staging aneurysmal disease with Pulse Wave Imaging (PWI);

l Targeted ablation of cancer tumors with High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU); and

l Other selected techniques such as ultrasound-assisted drug delivery through the blood-brain barrier, electromechanical wave imaging of the heart, and acoustic Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS).  



Sacha Nandlall, D.Phil. (Postdoctoral Research Scientist)


Academic Qualifications:

l D.Phil., Engineering Science, University of Oxford (Oxford, Oxfordshire, UK), 2011

l B.Eng. (Hons.), Electrical Engineering, McGill University (Montréal, Québec, Canada), 2007


Awards and Prizes

l Canadian Centennial Scholarship (Canadian Centennial Scholarship Fund, UK), October 2009

l Postgraduate Scholarship (National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada), May 2008 to April 2011

l Graduate Development Scholarship (St. Annes College, University of Oxford), May 2008 to April 2010

l Bourse de Maîtrise en Recherche (Fonds Québecois de la Recherche sur la Nature et les Technologies), September 2007 to August 2009 (declined)

l Bourse Génie­Conseil (Association des Ingénieurs­Conseils du Québec), February 2007

l Undergraduate Summer Research Award (National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and McGill University), May to

l August 2004, 2005, and 2006 (three­time recipient)

l James Davidson McCall Scholarship (McGill University), September 2003 to December 2006

l Governor Generals Academic Medal (Canada), May 2003


       Sacha was born in September 1985 and grew up in Quebec City, Canada. He completed his undergraduate studies in electrical engineering at McGill University. During the final year of his undergraduate degree, he performed research in McGills Department of Biomedical Engineering with Prof. Henrietta Galiana on applying signal processing techniques to detect and classify sleep apnea in children.

       Sacha completed his studies at McGill in December 2006. From January to July 2007, he spent 6 months on a placement with Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) in Freetown, Sierra Leone, where he worked with the Ministry of Development and Economic Planning as a government data analyst.

       In October 2007, Sacha became a doctoral student at the University of Oxford, earning the D.Phil. degree in August 2011. His research at Oxford took place in the Institute of Biomedical Engineering with Prof. Constantin­C. Coussios, and focused on developing enhanced methods of monitoring damage in cells and tissues during ablation by High­Intensity Focussed Ultrasound (HIFU).

       Shortly after completing his doctoral studies, Sacha moved to Columbia University and joined the laboratory as a postdoctoral research scientist. Since September 2011, he has been working on the pulse wave imaging and harmonic motion imaging projects.